Making new choreography has only been possible thanks to the kind support of

Arts Printing House Vilnius

Klub Żak Gdańsk

4culture Bucharest

CCB Bleiburg-Pliberk

EIRA / Teatro Voz Lisbon

Derida Dance Center Sofia

La Resi El Salvador

Lublin Dance Theatre

Aura Dance Theatre

Michael Douglas Collective

International touring has been possible thanks to

Website sketch art by Gabriele Manca, Ondrej Vesely, Zsuzsi Várnay and Hygin Delimat
Become our patron today
We accept contributions
Body Architects - Spartenübergreifende Interdisziplinäre und Bühnenkunst
IBAN: AT68 2011 1839 1955 6700 | BIC: GIBAATWW | Erste Bank