House Beating
is a performative artwork that spans across media of choreography, composition, and art installation. It evolved from a practice of embodying the ideals of modernist architecture. Together, the collective of artists (re)interprets Le Corbusier’s and Xennakis’ revolutionary concepts of performing space and recontextualizes them in the contemporary architectural reality. Powerful physical choreography consists of complex partnering movement vocabulary rooted in urban dance and the study of bodily innate architecture. House Beating explores borderline physical abilities of the body in dialogue with an organically morphing wooden entity. The work anticipates the moment of emergence, creation, construction. The organic and the inorganic continously meet and engage in the shared process of space creation. Virtuosic musical score inspired by Xennakis and Cage compositions for percussion is the driving motor of the performance.
Concept: Hygin Delimat, Schayan Kazemi
Choreography: Hygin Delimat, Elias Choi-Buttinger
Music: Maria Anna Chlebus, Alex Georgiev/Voland Szekely, Schayan Kazemi (including variations of original compositions by Steve Reich and Iannis Xennakis)
Art installation: Andreas Buttinger
Wood performers: Weng Teng Choi Buttinger, Andreas Buttinger and 2 more
Produced with the help of STUV Anton Bruckner University
Booking: write@hygindelimat.com
Photos: Marta Ankersztejn / IMIT, Vojtěch Brtnický, Vaiva Bezhan, Kateřina Barvířová, Krystof Kalina, Lynda Phan
Review from Brno: tanecniaktuality.cz
Downloads for curators and programmers: house beating with local performers | house beating pure | workshop description